This systematic review will be one source of information considered when updating the current ADA Nutrition Position Statement ( 4). This review focuses on literature that has been published since that 2001 date ( 5).

The previous literature review conducted by ADA in 2001 supported the idea that there was not one ideal macronutrient distribution for all people with diabetes. ADA has received numerous criticisms because it does not recommend one specific mix of macronutrients for everyone with diabetes. The position of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) on MNT is that each person with diabetes should receive an individualized eating plan ( 4). We undertook the specific topic of the role of macronutrients, eating patterns, and individual foods in response to continued controversy over independent contributions of specific foods and macronutrients, independent of weight loss, in the management of diabetes.

The literature on nutrition as it relates to diabetes management is vast.