This mode and Vortex mode share the highest mode multiplier in the game, 1.6. Only shots that hit the bumpers count for damage, this mode generates a larger amount of xp if you either get lucky or spawn on a somewhat flat map as all hits grant another 5XP. Test Your Skills: Bumpers spawn every round. This mode has an XP multiplier of 1.3, the standard multiplier. Destroy the Juggernaut before the Juggernaut can destroy you, killing the juggernaut grants double kill XP, winning as juggernaut gives an xp multiplier. This mode has an XP multiplier of 1.45.Īll For One & One For All: The Juggernaut has a high amount of HP. If you kill your target via explosion and your next target also happens to be in the area of effect, they will be hit as well. Playing this game mode over time will unlock the weapon hidden blade. No two players will be able to target each other until they are the only two left remaining on the field. Be careful as someone wants to assassinate you too. Pick them off, one by one: Destroy the target tank, you won't do any damage to non-targets. Damaging yourself will result in loss of points equal to damage caused, xp is reduced in this mode (with a multiplier of 1.0), hitting multiple targets at close range generates even less xp, it does not have a defined multiplier as actual XP earned varies considerably. Go For High Score: Deal the most amount of damage to enemy tanks to win.

Good Ol' Deathmatch: Eliminate all of the enemy tanks to win, this is the default mode of the game with an XP multiplier of 1.3.